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There are a lot of basic causes of truck accidents, but they can be broken down into 3 worldwide categories:
1. Driver Negligence
One of the leading causes of truck accidents is the carelessness of the driver. The elementary reason this happens is because the driver is usually under some kind of pressure (either self-imposed or coming from their employer) to make their delivery within a certain amount of time and gain more income. This some of the times causes the driver to take unneeded risks on the road. The most common risk a driver takes is violating the FMCSA's hours of service rule, which basically states that drivers need to take a break to sleep after 11 hours on the road.
In an attempt to save time (and income), a lot of drivers will disregard this convention and drive without adequate sleep. Often, this happens at night, when truck drivers prefer to be on the road to avoid heavy traffic. Combined with the more adverse night-time driving conditions, this can become a very dangerous situation. Other cases of driver negligence that can lead to truck accidents are:
-Driving over the speed bound or discounting "reduce truck accelerate" signs
-Driving while texting, talking on the cell phone, or watching video recording
-Driving while intoxicated-the legal limit for commercial drivers is .04%, or half of the limit for non-commercial drivers
-Tailgating other vehicles too closely
2. Bad Weather
Poor weather can occur pretty much any time of the year, although the winter driving conditions in a lot of breaks of the country are the worst. Truck drivers taking big loads from one end of the country to another often encounter high winds, heavy rain, and in the winter snow and ice storms. Occasionally, drivers are caught not prepared for conditions like these and are not able to make the vehicle accommodations necessity to prevent an accident.
3. Problems with Equipment and Overloading
Some truckers fail to keep their vehicles maintained with the proper equipment. This can leave them more vulnerable to an accident. One of the most crucial parts of an 18-wheeler truck is the brakes. Because of the obvious consequences of a brake failure, it's absolutely critical that truckers maintain their brakes.
In fact, it is a necessity for newer trucks to be equipped with reflexive slack adjusters that will chip in and pick up the slack if the brake pads are worn or the drums begin to expand. However, many of the aged vehicles on the road still have non-automatic adjusters, which can be problematic and cause brake failure if they are not controlled regularly.
Other common truck equipment issues include:
-Poor Tire Pressure
-Broken Lights
-Lack of Blind Spot Mirrors
Overloading is another issue that would fall under the category of equipment and can lead to truck accidents. A few drivers stuff their trucks so full that they are heavier than they should be, and this can cause the driver to lose control on the road when they go through high winds, start to slide on ice, or encounter some other adverse weather condition.
How to Reduce Truck Accidents
Federal, state and local governments are aware that there are far too many disastrous truck accidents on our roads annually, and some government entities are starting to take measures to forbid them. Some State Department* are discussing placing particular speed limits on trucks that surpass a certain number of pounds, and there are new government safety standards being added, along with an increase in the enforcement of the current standards. Additional drivers can do their part as well by keeping their distance from the large trucks and being mindful of possibly dangerous situations.
What to do If Involved in a Truck Accident
As much as we try to avoid them, accidents do occasionally occur. If you have been affected by an accident with a large truck, it is important to recognize that the laws governing truck accidents are more complex than standard automobile accidents. In this case, it is always best to consult a truck accident attorney who specializes in this field and has an in-depth understanding of this unique arrange of laws.
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You need to be sure that you choose the lawyer who will best represent you in your truck accident case.